Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I just finished up my latest calligraphy project. It's interesting to me how each project takes on it's own look and feel. Calligraphy is such a meticulous art form... it takes a ton of concentration and perfecting. I'm still not at the level that I'd like to be, but looking back on pictures of my very first calligraphy projects, I can see that I've come a long way.

This is a sample from one of my very first calligraphy projects circa 2006. Still learning!


  1. I LOVE your calligraphy! I cannot wait for an occasion to hire you!

  2. I completely agree with Stacie - your work is gorgeous! I already have dreamed up some things I'd love for you to add your touch to!

  3. i LOVE it!!! it looks fantastic!!
