Monday, April 26, 2010

Potential Dining Room Ideas

You know by now that I'm completely obsessed with Sarah. Like, beyond obsessed. Whenever a new episode of Sarah's House comes on (HGTV, Saturday at 8:30pm) I literally jump for joy. I proceed to record it on DVR and then re-watch the episode several times until I've completely memorized the rooms and I take notes. Yes, notes like you would take in class. (Yikes, did I just say this out loud?!) Whatever she says, goes. So that's why I'm thinking about using a banquette with the dining room table in the new apartment.

Above, all designs by Sarah Richardson

I found this amazing Paisley settee by Horchow. I like the size and love the high, rounded back. And the color works. I'm thinking of a cream and gray living room with hints of yellow so I would love to translate this over to the "dining area". (Note how I didn't say dining room. I know that our tiny NYC apartment won't have a dining room, but I'm at least hoping for some sort of space for dining. We really need to move beyond the coffee table.)

Horchow Paisley Settee, $1,499

The only problem is the Horchow settee is a little pricey. I found this Nate Berkus for HSN settee which is more affordable but it's not yellow and I don't completely love it.

Nate Berkus for HSN, $499

I'm also inspired by Janell from Isabella & Max Rooms. She redesigned her living room to become her home office. I love that she used a round table and incorporated the couch with it.

So for tables, I'd like a walnut pedestal table. Janell used this table from Z Gallerie, which is gorgeous and cheaper than other furniture retailers.

Z Gallerie Sonoma Dining Table, $699

But since the Horchow settee is so expensive, maybe I should save and go with this Target table even though it's black?

American Simplicity Pedestal Table, $230

Any thoughts or suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I like the Z Gallerie table! The Target table looks as cheap as it is, trust me.
