Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flowers for the Moms-to-Be

This morning I made little flower bouquets for my expecting girlfriends, Erin and Stefanie. We celebrated with a lovely brunch at the Carriage House in Ithaca.

The best way to make a flower bouquet is by stripping off all the leaves on the stems and arrange the bouquet in your hands. Don't add the flowers to the vase one by one. Start with one stem and slowly add more flowers by rotating the arrangement in your hand. When you've finished adding flowers, it should have a domed look, like a wedding bouquet. Snip the stems to the length you want, then wrap florist tape around the base to hold it all together, then place the bouquet in the vase. This works especially well when you have a vase with a wide opening. If you didn't wrap with florist tape, the bouquet will spread out and leave lots of space in between the blooms. Tightly packed blooms, in my opinion, always look the best.

The bouquets were finished off with white ribbon, wrapped around the vase and held with double sided tape and a colorful tag to commemorate the day.

Congratulations girls! We can't wait to meet the little ones!

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