Thursday, July 22, 2010

Butter Makes Everything Better

Salted Brown Butter Crispy Treats. As soon as I saw the title, I knew I had to make these. My friend, Erin, emailed me the link to the recipe on Smitten Kitchen and I promptly went out to buy the ingredients. Anything with the words brown butter, salt and treat will totally get me. They're such a great twist on a classic and I feel like a kid eating them. Why I decided to make them right after a trip to the dentist is beyond me.

I especially liked Smitten Kitchen's tip on using parchment paper sprayed with oil to press down the treats in the pan. It's light years faster.

Tower of goodness.

Look, you can actually see specks of the brown butter in the marshmallow. The brown butter gives them a mild nutty taste. Yum!

Clean up, not so fun. But oh-so delicious.


  1. uh, yum! I could really use one of these right now :)

  2. Parchment paper is a life saver in the kitchen! I have a great Rice Krispie treat recipe using brown rice syrup - they're awesome!
