Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Creative, Inc.

Sometimes I get completely overwhelmed by trying to start my own business. The creative world is definitely the road less traveled and I find myself wishing there was a Martha Stewart University. A place where you could get a degree in the world of entertaining, cooking, home decor and the creative arts. If there was, I'd already have my masters by now! I especially get wistful when I see the straightforward path that my husband has taken to get his MBA and find a job that he's excited about. Not that it was easy, but it was definitely more conventional. So as I wade the rough waters of starting my own business and trying to figure out what I really want out of a career, this awesome book has come along.

I got my copy yesterday and I'm blown away by how informative it is. Creative, Inc. The Ultimate Guide to Running a Freelance Business is exactly the kind of book that I need now that I'm trying to grow my design business. It's informational, encouraging and has filled me with ambition to continue along the path that I've chosen. It is co-authored by one of my favorite bloggers, Joy Deangdeelert Cho of Oh Joy!. She has definitely paved the road for the creative types like me and is a huge role model. Even her stop motion trailer is inspiring!


  1. So glad you found this book! We're cheering for you :)

  2. Martha U would be amazing... you should pitch it to her!

    I think the bumpy road to pursuing your dreams is a very brave choice. You can do it!!!
