The other day I bought some Thomas Paul wares on
Gilt. What is Gilt you ask? It is an "invitation only" online store that sells luxury women's, men's and home goods up to 70% off retail. Don't be scared of the invitation only, that means you just need to enter your email address and in a few days they'll email you back an invitation to join. Each day features different designers and at 12pm the items go on sale for about 24 hours. You have to be quick as things sell out quickly but the deals are amazing. Of course, I'm drawn to the home goods instead of the clothes... and
Thomas Paul happens to be one of my favorites!
I bought these Calligraphy Flourish coasters for $10. The calligrapher in me just couldn't resist.

And I also bought these lovely melamine Flourish Bird Calligraphy dessert plates for $22. I was thinking I actually might frame them...

Sarah Richardson. She found these pretty bird plates at Pottery Barn and decided to use them as cheap artwork for her guest bedroom.
I LOVE those plates! How did I miss him on Gilt? Sigh... next time...
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