Wednesday, April 27, 2011

DIY 5 Minute Summer Scarf

Now that the weather is getting warmer, I need a few more summer scarves (an oxymoron, I know, but I love the look) to add to my repertoire.  I love the circle scarves at American Apparel but decided to make my own.  They're beyond easy to make. 

I bought a yard of jersey fabric at Mood for $12.  (And can I just say that I have so much more respect for the contestants on Project Runway... I have no idea how they select their fabrics so quickly.  I was in Mood for an hour and a half trying to pick out fabric for just one scarf!)  This piece of fabric was large enough so that I could cut it in half lengthwise and make two scarves out of it.

There is no need to hem the sides of the jersey fabric because it doesn't fray.  Although you certainly could if you wanted a more finished look.

Next fold the fabric in half and line up the open edges.

Pin the edges together.

Zip the pinned together edges through your sewing machine with the zig zag stitch.  (I was testing on a different piece of fabric in these next few pics... sorry I don't have pics of the original.)

For the life of me, I still can't sew in a straight line.  But this is a simple project and perfection is not necessary.  It will be bunched up and wrapped around so you won't even see the seam. Trim off the excess fabric.

Here's the seam line flipped right side out.  See?  Looks fine, crooked seam and all.

And here is the finished scarf!  It literally took about 5 minutes to make and looks so chic.  You can wear it looped once...

or looped twice.  It's lightweight, comfy and is the perfect spring/summer accessory for any outfit. 


  1. You are SO ridiculously talented! The thought wouldn't even enter my mind that I could make that. It looks awesome!

  2. Thanks so much Tara! You should definitely try it... so easy to make!

  3. I love this look! Thank you for showing it, I've never before seen a circle scarf! Even here in The Land of Scarves - France! :D

    Kind regards, Kitty
