I was watching HGTV's Biggest Bang for your Buck this weekend and I fell in love with this living room in Boulder, CO. The show actually focused on the master suite but they showed a two second clip of the couple's living room room and I had to pause the tv and snap a picture. (Thank goodness for DVR!)

I love this room because:
1. I have a similar looking
sofa and I wasn't sure how I would incorporate it in a living room when we actually have a house and more space. I like this layout with a chaise, chairs and ottomans that surround the coffee table instead of getting a "sofa set."
2. The upholstery nail head details dress up the sofa and make it a little more formal. I'm absolutely going to do this to ours when we move.
3. There is good lighting. I cannot stress how important good lighting is to create a comfortable and cozy environment. Recessed lighting is like a good makeup foundation. It hides the blemishes and highlights your features.
4. Love the combination of soft creams and dark woods. There is so much texture and richness in the room.
5. Wing chairs make everything better. Don't you just adore the seating area in the background? 4 wing chairs around an oval ottoman... I can't thing of a better set up for good conversation.
6. The floor to ceiling windows with dark chocolate wood frames. Need I say more?
Now I just need a house with 6,000 square feet so I can start decorating!!